Over the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking a lot about the idea of ideas. There are many amazing people in the world who come up with ideas and turn them into a successful reality, but how do you decide which idea to act upon? is there a formula? is it instinct made up of many differing factors based on experience? how do you differentiate, between a good idea and a bad one or indeed are there any bad ideas?
See quite a lot of ideas already, I told you I had been thinking, anyway I have met many people over the years, who have had great ideas but failed to turn them into reality, this is a typical conversation with one particular acquaintance over a period of a year (of course I have kept it brief) but I think it illustrates my point.
March 2010
(Me) : How is it going?
(Friend): Good,
(Me) What are you up to?
(Friend): I have got this idea for a show, it is about .....
(Me) That's a wicked idea, when are you doing it?
(Friend) Well I am getting a few folk together to develop it ....
(Me) Cool, let me know when it is on...
August 2010
(Me) : Heh, how is it going?
(Friend): Good,
(Me) How is the show coming along?
(Friend): Well, I am still working on it
(Me) Cool, when are you doing it?
(Friend) Well I have not got a date, but soon
(Me) Cool, let me know when it is on...
December 2010
(Me) : Heh, how is it going?
(Friend): Good,
(Me) How is the show coming along?
(Friend): Well, I er.. well. In the end I thought it wasn't such a great idea after all.
(Me) Oh, I thought it was great?
(Friend) Well err, suppose so...
(Me) OK, well take care, hopefully bump into you soon.
I am sure this conversation is a familiar one, I am guilty of it myself, and I am sure there are a myriad of reasons why that person didn't create that show. I am sure there are numerous theatre making folk, who have files of newspaper clipping, images, scrawled notes having dreamt something - needless to say I have tons all stored away but none have been turned into a reality - the question is why? Well the simple answer is, I did not pursue them beyond an initial idea an inspiration. If you have an idea, you must act upon them, I appreciate it is easier said than done but don't become that person who talks a good game but years down the line has still not produced anything. I truly admire those people who have the passion and the drive to take a germ of an idea and make it a reality, stop talking and start doing.
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