Up went the cry, wagons roll; it was time for Spike to hit the road to Edinburgh. The trip up was so much fun, a long drive, but shorter than many will have undertaken. We travelled in 2 vehicles as there are 6 of us up here at the festival, travelling separately always worries me, as there is simply more opportunity for things to go wrong. I am a notorious worrier, I tend to imagine all the things that can go wrong in a chain of events like a relay race of worries. Hence my thoughts below Will we all get there safely?
Will we make it without breaking down?
Will we get our keys on time?
I could go on, but frankly my worries are my own and are pretty mundane, I want to talk about the good stuff, the fun that a road trip brings, tiny memories that make a journey special. Two particular highlights of our trip were getting a shout out on Steve Wright’s Radio 2 show and flyering a National express coach.
The first was witnessed by many folk as the texts and tweets will testify but more importantly by all of the games team. How you might ask if you are travelling separately? Well put simply, luck, both vehicles were tuned in and only moments earlier I had said, ‘we should text in’ when over the airwaves we hear, Steve Wright say, ‘good luck to the games team as they travel up to the Edinburgh fringe festival, that sounds like a fun show and I might check that out’ both vehicles were shouting with joy.
The second moment was flyering anEdinburgh bound coach, we had stopped for something to eat, and there the coach was parked up with lots of folk, an audience with nowhere to go, who knows if they will come but you cant miss an opportunity like that.
There are many more moments I wont forget, the constant banter in the van, singing along to Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I will survive’ twitter friends, my first KFC, getting lost in Edinburgh, even though we had 3 sat nav’s on our phones. The trip summed up what Spike is about; lots of fun with p
eople you care about, creating memories that will last forever.
August 5-29th (No shows 16th and 23rd) Zoo, Roxy art house, The sanctuary 12:30pm book here: http://www.zoofestival.co.uk/whats-on/theatre?zid=137
This post was originally posted on Creative times http://www.creativetimes.co.uk/news/spike-theatre-–-the-games-blog-1-–-road-trip-to-edinburgh-–-dreams-memories-and-radio-2